Loïc Faugeron Technical Blog

Mars Rover, Landing 29/06/2016

In this series we're going to build the software of a Mars Rover, according to the following specifications. It will allow us to practice the followings:

Previously we've created a navigation package, we can now start developing the first use case:

Mars Rovers need first to be landed at a given position. A position is composed of coordinates (x and y, which are both integers) and an orientation (a string being one of north, east, west or south).

Twisting Command Bus

The Command Bus design pattern is composed of 3 classes:

We're going to twist this design pattern for the Mars Rover by omiting the CommandBus class, as we don't really need middlewares or to find the appropriate CommandHandler for a given Command.

Let's start by creating the Command class that'll take care of the input parameter validation:

cd packages/navigation
git checkout -b 2-landing

Land Rover

We're going to bootstrap the test class for LandRover, using phpspec:

vendor/bin/phpspec describe 'MarsRover\Navigation\LandRover'

This should generate this spec/MarsRover/Navigation/LandRoverSpec.php class:


namespace spec\MarsRover\Navigation;

use MarsRover\Navigation\LandRover;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;

class LandRoverSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    function it_is_initializable()

This leaves us the task of editing it to start describing input parameters:


namespace spec\MarsRover\Navigation;

use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;

class LandRoverSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    const X = 23;
    const Y = 42;
    const ORIENTATION = 'north';

    function it_has_x_coordinate()


    function it_has_y_coordinate()


    function it_has_an_orientation()


We can now run the tests:

vendor/bin/phpspec run

This will generate the src/MarsRover/Navigation/LandRover.php file:


namespace MarsRover\Navigation;

class LandRover
    private $argument1;

    private $argument2;

    private $argument3;

    public function __construct($argument1, $argument2, $argument3)
        $this->argument1 = $argument1;
        $this->argument2 = $argument2;
        $this->argument3 = $argument3;

    public function getX()

    public function getY()

    public function getOrientation()

All we need to do is to edit it:


namespace MarsRover\Navigation;

class LandRover
    private $x;
    private $y;
    private $orientation;

    public function __construct($x, $y, $orientation)
        $this->x = $x;
        $this->y = $y;
        $this->orientation = $orientation;

    public function getX() : int
        return $this->x;

    public function getY() : int
        return $this->y;

    public function getOrientation() : string
        return $this->orientation;

Let's run the tests again:

vendor/bin/phpspec run

All green! But our job isn't finished yet, we haven't described invalid input parameters:


namespace spec\MarsRover\Navigation;

use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;

class LandRoverSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    const X = 23;
    const Y = 42;
    const ORIENTATION = 'north';

    function it_has_x_coordinate()


    function it_cannot_have_non_integer_x_coordinate()
            'Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!',


    function it_has_y_coordinate()


    function it_cannot_have_non_integer_y_coordinate()
            'No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!',


    function it_has_an_orientation()


    function it_cannot_have_a_non_cardinal_orientation()
            'A hareng!'


Running the tests again:

vendor/bin/phpspec run

They fail, because we need to check input parameters:


namespace MarsRover\Navigation;

class LandRover
    const VALID_ORIENTATIONS = ['north', 'east', 'west', 'south'];

    private $x;
    private $y;
    private $orientation;

    public function __construct($x, $y, $orientation)
        if (false === is_int($x)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
                'X coordinate must be an integer'
        $this->x = $x;
        if (false === is_int($y)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
                'Y coordinate must be an integer'
        $this->y = $y;
        if (false === in_array($orientation, self::VALID_ORIENTATIONS, true)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
                'Orientation must be one of: '
                .implode(', ', self::VALID_ORIENTATIONS)
        $this->orientation = $orientation;

    public function getX() : int
        return $this->x;

    public function getY() : int
        return $this->y;

    public function getOrientation() : string
        return $this->orientation;

Let's run the tests again:

vendor/bin/phpspec run

All green! We can now commit our work:

git add -A
git commit -m '2: Created LandRover'


We've followed the first steps of TDD: write a test then write the code.

Using phpspec makes this process easier as the code gets bootstrapped for us once we've written the test.

Since we write those tests first, in a descriptive way (test method names are sentences), we can use them as runnable self-checking specifications! phpspec allows us to display them explicitly:

vendor/bin/phpspec run --format=pretty

This should display:

MarsRover\Navigation\LandRover 13 ✔ has x coordinate 24 ✔ cannot have non integer x coordinate 37 ✔ has y coordinate 48 ✔ cannot have non integer y coordinate 61 ✔ has an orientation 72 ✔ cannot have a non cardinal orientation 1 specs 6 examples (6 passed) 10ms

Note: navigation tests can also be run from the MonoRepo:

cd ../../
composer update --optimize-autoloader
vendor/bin/phpspec run

What's next

In the next article we'll complete the TDD cycle by refactoring LandRover: we'll extract x and y coordinates into their own class.