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Pierre-Louis Gottfrois
Bastien Murzeau
Apéro Ruby Bordeaux, 8 novembre 2011
• Brève introduction

• Cas pratique

• Map / Reduce
Qu’est ce que mongoDB ?

 mongoDB est une base de donnée
        de type NoSQL,
          sans schéma

• Très utile en développements
  ‘agiles’ (itérations, rapidité de modifications,
  flexibilité pour les développeurs)

• Supporte des fonctionnalités qui seraient, en
  BDDs relationnelles :
 • quasi-impossible (stockage d’éléments non finis, ex. tags)

 • trop complexes pour ce qu’elles sont (migrations)
• mongoDB stocke des documents, pas de

 • les documents sont stockés sous forme de
   JSON; binary JSON

• la syntaxe de requêtage est aussi fournie que

• le mécanisme de documents ‘embedded’
  résout bon nombre de problèmes rencontrés

• Les documents sont stockés dans une
 collection, en RoR = model

• une partie des ces données sont indexées
 pour optimiser les performances

• un document n’est pas une poubelle !
stockage de données
• mongoDB (et autres NoSQL) sont plus
 performantes pour la scalabilité horizontale
 • ajout de serveurs pour augmenter la capacité
   de stockage («sharding»)
 • garantissant ainsi une meilleur disponibilité
 • load-balancing optimisé entre les nodes
 • augmentation transparente pour l’application
Cas pratique
• ORM devient ODM, la gem de référence mongoid
  • ou : mongoMapper, DataMapper
• Création d’une application a base de NoSQL MongoDB
  • rails new nosql
  • edition du Gemfile
    •   gem ‘mongoid’

    •   gem ‘bson_ext’

  • bundle install
  • rails generate mongoid:config
Cas pratique
• edition du config/application.rb
  • #require 'rails/all'
  • require "action_controller/railtie"
  • require "action_mailer/railtie"
  • require "active_resource/railtie"
  • require "rails/test_unit/railtie"
Cas pratique
class Subject
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Timestamps

  has_many :scores,     :as => :scorable, :dependent => :delete, :autosave => true
  has_many :requests,   :dependent => :delete
  belongs_to :author,   :class_name => 'User'

    class Conversation
      include Mongoid::Document
      include Mongoid::Timestamps

      field :public,            :type => Boolean, :default => false

      has_many :scores,         :as => :scorable, :dependent => :delete
      has_and_belongs_to_many   :subjects
      belongs_to :timeline
      embeds_many :messages
Map Reduce

                               A “ticket” collection

{                       {                       {                       {
    “id” : 1,               “id” : 2,               “id” : 3,               “id” : 4,
    “day” : 20111017,       “day” : 20111017,       “day” : 20111017,       “day” : 20111017,
    “checkout” : 100        “checkout” : 42         “checkout” : 215        “checkout” : 73
}                       }                       }                       }

• We want to
 • Calculate the ‘checkout’ sum of each object in our
    ticket’s collection

 • Be able to distribute this operation over the network
 • Be fast!
• We don’t want to
 • Go over all objects again when an update is made
Map : emit(checkout)

    The ‘map’ function emit (select) every checkout value
               of each object in our collection

          100                      42                     215                      73

{                       {                       {                       {
    “id” : 1,               “id” : 2,               “id” : 3,               “id” : 4,
    “day” : 20111017,       “day” : 20111017,       “day” : 20111017,       “day” : 20111017,
    “checkout” : 100        “checkout” : 42         “checkout” : 215        “checkout” : 73
}                       }                       }                       }
Reduce : sum(checkout)

                        142                                                 288

          100                        42                       215                        73

{                         {                         {                        {
    “id” : 1,                 “id” : 2,                 “id” : 3,                 “id” : 4,
    “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,
    “checkout” : 100          “checkout” : 42           “checkout” : 215          “checkout” : 73
}                         }                         }                        }
Reduce function

 The ‘reduce’ function apply the algorithmic logic
 for each key/value received from ‘map’ function

This function has to be ‘idempotent’ to be called
      recursively or in a distributed system

reduce(k, A, B) == reduce(k, B, A)
reduce(k, A, B) == reduce(k, reduce(A, B))
Inherently Distributed

                        142                                                 288

          100                        42                       215                        73

{                         {                         {                        {
    “id” : 1,                 “id” : 2,                 “id” : 3,                 “id” : 4,
    “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,
    “checkout” : 100          “checkout” : 42           “checkout” : 215          “checkout” : 73
}                         }                         }                        }
Since ‘map’ function emits objects to be reduced
and ‘reduce’ function processes for each emitted
   objects independently, it can be distributed
            through multiple workers.

         map                     reduce
Logaritmic Update

For the same reason, when updating an object, we
    don’t have to reprocess for each obejcts.

   We can call ‘map’ function only on updated
Logaritmic Update

                        142                                                 288

          100                        42                       215                        73

{                         {                         {                        {
    “id” : 1,                 “id” : 2,                 “id” : 3,                 “id” : 4,
    “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,
    “checkout” : 100          “checkout” : 42           “checkout” : 210          “checkout” : 73
}                         }                         }                        }
Logaritmic Update

                        142                                                 288

          100                        42                       210                        73

{                         {                         {                        {
    “id” : 1,                 “id” : 2,                 “id” : 3,                 “id” : 4,
    “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,
    “checkout” : 100          “checkout” : 42           “checkout” : 210          “checkout” : 73
}                         }                         }                        }
Logaritmic Update

                        142                                                 283

          100                        42                       210                        73

{                         {                         {                        {
    “id” : 1,                 “id” : 2,                 “id” : 3,                 “id” : 4,
    “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,
    “checkout” : 100          “checkout” : 42           “checkout” : 210          “checkout” : 73
}                         }                         }                        }
Logarithmic Update

                        142                                                 283

          100                        42                       210                        73

{                         {                         {                        {
    “id” : 1,                 “id” : 2,                 “id” : 3,                 “id” : 4,
    “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,         “day” : 20111017,
    “checkout” : 100          “checkout” : 42           “checkout” : 210          “checkout” : 73
}                         }                         }                        }
Let’s do some code!
$> mongo

>{   "_id":   1,   "day":   20111017,   "checkout":   100 })
>{   "_id":   2,   "day":   20111017,   "checkout":   42 })
>{   "_id":   3,   "day":   20111017,   "checkout":   215 })
>{   "_id":   4,   "day":   20111017,   "checkout":   73 })


{ "_id" : 1, "day" : 20111017, "checkout" : 100 }

>{ "_id": 1 })
{ "_id" : 1, "day" : 20111017, "checkout" : 100 }
> var map = function() {
... emit(null, this.checkout)

> var reduce = function(key, values) {
... var sum = 0
... for (var index in values) sum += values[index]
... return sum
Temporary Collection
> sumOfCheckouts =, reduce)
  "result" : "",
  "timeMills" : 8,
  "counts" : { "input" : 4, "emit" : 4, "output" : 1 },
  "ok" : 1

> db.getCollectionNames()

> db[sumOfCheckouts.result].find()
{ "_id" : null, "value" : 430 }
Persistent Collection
>, reduce, { "out" : "sumOfCheckouts" })

> db.getCollectionNames()

> db.sumOfCheckouts.find()
{ "_id" : null, "value" : 430 }

> db.sumOfCheckouts.findOne().value
Reduce by Date
> var map = function() {
... emit(, this.checkout)

> var reduce = function(key, values) {
... var sum = 0
... for (var index in values) sum += values[index]
... return sum
>, reduce, { "out" : "sumOfCheckouts" })

> db.sumOfCheckouts.find()
{ "_id" : 20111017, "value" : 430 }
What we can do
Scored Subjects per
Subject   User   Score
   1       1       2
   1       1       2
   1       2       2
   2       1       2
   2       2      10
   2       2       5
Scored Subjects per
   User (reduced)
Subject   User   Score

  1        1      4

  1        2      2

  2        1      2

  2        2      15
$> mongo

>{   "_id":   1,   "subject_id":   1,   "user_id":   1,   "score":   2 })
>{   "_id":   2,   "subject_id":   1,   "user_id":   1,   "score":   2 })
>{   "_id":   3,   "subject_id":   1,   "user_id":   2,   "score":   2 })
>{   "_id":   4,   "subject_id":   2,   "user_id":   1,   "score":   2 })
>{   "_id":   5,   "subject_id":   2,   "user_id":   2,   "score":   10 })
>{   "_id":   6,   "subject_id":   2,   "user_id":   2,   "score":   5 })

> db.scores.count()

> db.scores.find()
{ "_id": 1, "subject_id": 1, "user_id": 1, "score": 2 }

> db.scores.find({ "_id": 1 })
{ "_id": 1, "subject_id": 1, "user_id": 1, "score": 2 }
> var map = function() {
... emit([this.user_id, this.subject_id].join("-"), {subject_id:this.subject_id,
... user_id:this.user_id, score:this.score});

> var reduce = function(key, values) {
... var result = {user_id:"", subject_id:"", score:0};
... values.forEach(function (value) {result.score += value.score;result.user_id =
... value.user_id;result.subject_id = value.subject_id;});
... return result
> db.scores.mapReduce(map, reduce, { "out" : "reduced_scores" })

> db.getCollectionNames()

>   db.reduced_scores.find()
{   "_id" : "1-1", "value" :   {   "user_id"   :   1,   "subject_id"   :   1,   "score"   :   4 } }
{   "_id" : "1-2", "value" :   {   "user_id"   :   1,   "subject_id"   :   2,   "score"   :   2 } }
{   "_id" : "2-1", "value" :   {   "user_id"   :   2,   "subject_id"   :   1,   "score"   :   2 } }
{   "_id" : "2-2", "value" :   {   "user_id"   :   2,   "subject_id"   :   2,   "score"   :   15 } }

> db.reduced_scores.findOne().score
Dealing with Rails Query

ruby-1.9.2-p180 :007 > ReducedScores.first
 => #<ReducedScores _id: 1-1, _type: nil, value: {"user_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('...'),
"subject_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('...'), "score"=>4.0}>

ruby-1.9.2-p180 :008 > ReducedScores.where("value.user_id" =>
 => 2

ruby-1.9.2-p180 :009 > ReducedScores.where("value.user_id" =>['score']
 => 4.0

ruby-1.9.2-p180 :010 > ReducedScores.where("value.user_id" =>['score']
 => 2.0
Questions ?

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Apéro RubyBdx - MongoDB - 8-11-2011

  • 1. Pierre-Louis Gottfrois Bastien Murzeau Apéro Ruby Bordeaux, 8 novembre 2011
  • 2. • Brève introduction • Cas pratique • Map / Reduce
  • 3. Qu’est ce que mongoDB ? mongoDB est une base de donnée de type NoSQL, sans schéma document-oriented
  • 4. sans-schéma • Très utile en développements ‘agiles’ (itérations, rapidité de modifications, flexibilité pour les développeurs) • Supporte des fonctionnalités qui seraient, en BDDs relationnelles : • quasi-impossible (stockage d’éléments non finis, ex. tags) • trop complexes pour ce qu’elles sont (migrations)
  • 5. document-oriented • mongoDB stocke des documents, pas de rows • les documents sont stockés sous forme de JSON; binary JSON • la syntaxe de requêtage est aussi fournie que SQL • le mécanisme de documents ‘embedded’ résout bon nombre de problèmes rencontrés
  • 6. document-oriented • Les documents sont stockés dans une collection, en RoR = model • une partie des ces données sont indexées pour optimiser les performances • un document n’est pas une poubelle !
  • 7. stockage de données volumineuses • mongoDB (et autres NoSQL) sont plus performantes pour la scalabilité horizontale • ajout de serveurs pour augmenter la capacité de stockage («sharding») • garantissant ainsi une meilleur disponibilité • load-balancing optimisé entre les nodes • augmentation transparente pour l’application
  • 8. Cas pratique • ORM devient ODM, la gem de référence mongoid • ou : mongoMapper, DataMapper • Création d’une application a base de NoSQL MongoDB • rails new nosql • edition du Gemfile • gem ‘mongoid’ • gem ‘bson_ext’ • bundle install • rails generate mongoid:config
  • 9. Cas pratique • edition du config/application.rb • #require 'rails/all' • require "action_controller/railtie" • require "action_mailer/railtie" • require "active_resource/railtie" • require "rails/test_unit/railtie"
  • 10. Cas pratique class Subject include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps has_many :scores, :as => :scorable, :dependent => :delete, :autosave => true has_many :requests, :dependent => :delete belongs_to :author, :class_name => 'User' class Conversation include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps field :public, :type => Boolean, :default => false has_many :scores, :as => :scorable, :dependent => :delete has_and_belongs_to_many :subjects belongs_to :timeline embeds_many :messages
  • 12. Example A “ticket” collection { { { { “id” : 1, “id” : 2, “id” : 3, “id” : 4, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “checkout” : 100 “checkout” : 42 “checkout” : 215 “checkout” : 73 } } } }
  • 13. Problematic • We want to • Calculate the ‘checkout’ sum of each object in our ticket’s collection • Be able to distribute this operation over the network • Be fast! • We don’t want to • Go over all objects again when an update is made
  • 14. Map : emit(checkout) The ‘map’ function emit (select) every checkout value of each object in our collection 100 42 215 73 { { { { “id” : 1, “id” : 2, “id” : 3, “id” : 4, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “checkout” : 100 “checkout” : 42 “checkout” : 215 “checkout” : 73 } } } }
  • 15. Reduce : sum(checkout) 430 142 288 100 42 215 73 { { { { “id” : 1, “id” : 2, “id” : 3, “id” : 4, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “checkout” : 100 “checkout” : 42 “checkout” : 215 “checkout” : 73 } } } }
  • 16. Reduce function The ‘reduce’ function apply the algorithmic logic for each key/value received from ‘map’ function This function has to be ‘idempotent’ to be called recursively or in a distributed system reduce(k, A, B) == reduce(k, B, A) reduce(k, A, B) == reduce(k, reduce(A, B))
  • 17. Inherently Distributed 430 142 288 100 42 215 73 { { { { “id” : 1, “id” : 2, “id” : 3, “id” : 4, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “checkout” : 100 “checkout” : 42 “checkout” : 215 “checkout” : 73 } } } }
  • 18. Distributed Since ‘map’ function emits objects to be reduced and ‘reduce’ function processes for each emitted objects independently, it can be distributed through multiple workers. map reduce
  • 19. Logaritmic Update For the same reason, when updating an object, we don’t have to reprocess for each obejcts. We can call ‘map’ function only on updated objects.
  • 20. Logaritmic Update 430 142 288 100 42 215 73 { { { { “id” : 1, “id” : 2, “id” : 3, “id” : 4, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “checkout” : 100 “checkout” : 42 “checkout” : 210 “checkout” : 73 } } } }
  • 21. Logaritmic Update 430 142 288 100 42 210 73 { { { { “id” : 1, “id” : 2, “id” : 3, “id” : 4, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “checkout” : 100 “checkout” : 42 “checkout” : 210 “checkout” : 73 } } } }
  • 22. Logaritmic Update 430 142 283 100 42 210 73 { { { { “id” : 1, “id” : 2, “id” : 3, “id” : 4, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “checkout” : 100 “checkout” : 42 “checkout” : 210 “checkout” : 73 } } } }
  • 23. Logarithmic Update 425 142 283 100 42 210 73 { { { { “id” : 1, “id” : 2, “id” : 3, “id” : 4, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “day” : 20111017, “checkout” : 100 “checkout” : 42 “checkout” : 210 “checkout” : 73 } } } }
  • 25. $> mongo >{ "_id": 1, "day": 20111017, "checkout": 100 }) >{ "_id": 2, "day": 20111017, "checkout": 42 }) >{ "_id": 3, "day": 20111017, "checkout": 215 }) >{ "_id": 4, "day": 20111017, "checkout": 73 }) > 4 > { "_id" : 1, "day" : 20111017, "checkout" : 100 } ... >{ "_id": 1 }) { "_id" : 1, "day" : 20111017, "checkout" : 100 }
  • 26. > var map = function() { ... emit(null, this.checkout) } > var reduce = function(key, values) { ... var sum = 0 ... for (var index in values) sum += values[index] ... return sum }
  • 27. Temporary Collection > sumOfCheckouts =, reduce) { "result" : "", "timeMills" : 8, "counts" : { "input" : 4, "emit" : 4, "output" : 1 }, "ok" : 1 } > db.getCollectionNames() [ "tickets", "" ] > db[sumOfCheckouts.result].find() { "_id" : null, "value" : 430 }
  • 28. Persistent Collection >, reduce, { "out" : "sumOfCheckouts" }) > db.getCollectionNames() [ "sumOfCheckouts", "tickets", "" ] > db.sumOfCheckouts.find() { "_id" : null, "value" : 430 } > db.sumOfCheckouts.findOne().value 430
  • 30. > var map = function() { ... emit(, this.checkout) } > var reduce = function(key, values) { ... var sum = 0 ... for (var index in values) sum += values[index] ... return sum }
  • 31. >, reduce, { "out" : "sumOfCheckouts" }) > db.sumOfCheckouts.find() { "_id" : 20111017, "value" : 430 }
  • 33. Scored Subjects per User Subject User Score 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 10 2 2 5
  • 34. Scored Subjects per User (reduced) Subject User Score 1 1 4 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 15
  • 35. $> mongo >{ "_id": 1, "subject_id": 1, "user_id": 1, "score": 2 }) >{ "_id": 2, "subject_id": 1, "user_id": 1, "score": 2 }) >{ "_id": 3, "subject_id": 1, "user_id": 2, "score": 2 }) >{ "_id": 4, "subject_id": 2, "user_id": 1, "score": 2 }) >{ "_id": 5, "subject_id": 2, "user_id": 2, "score": 10 }) >{ "_id": 6, "subject_id": 2, "user_id": 2, "score": 5 }) > db.scores.count() 6 > db.scores.find() { "_id": 1, "subject_id": 1, "user_id": 1, "score": 2 } ... > db.scores.find({ "_id": 1 }) { "_id": 1, "subject_id": 1, "user_id": 1, "score": 2 }
  • 36. > var map = function() { ... emit([this.user_id, this.subject_id].join("-"), {subject_id:this.subject_id, ... user_id:this.user_id, score:this.score}); } > var reduce = function(key, values) { ... var result = {user_id:"", subject_id:"", score:0}; ... values.forEach(function (value) {result.score += value.score;result.user_id = ... value.user_id;result.subject_id = value.subject_id;}); ... return result }
  • 37. ReducedScores Collection > db.scores.mapReduce(map, reduce, { "out" : "reduced_scores" }) > db.getCollectionNames() [ "reduced_scores", "scores" ] > db.reduced_scores.find() { "_id" : "1-1", "value" : { "user_id" : 1, "subject_id" : 1, "score" : 4 } } { "_id" : "1-2", "value" : { "user_id" : 1, "subject_id" : 2, "score" : 2 } } { "_id" : "2-1", "value" : { "user_id" : 2, "subject_id" : 1, "score" : 2 } } { "_id" : "2-2", "value" : { "user_id" : 2, "subject_id" : 2, "score" : 15 } } > db.reduced_scores.findOne().score 4
  • 38. Dealing with Rails Query ruby-1.9.2-p180 :007 > ReducedScores.first => #<ReducedScores _id: 1-1, _type: nil, value: {"user_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('...'), "subject_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('...'), "score"=>4.0}> ruby-1.9.2-p180 :008 > ReducedScores.where("value.user_id" => => 2 ruby-1.9.2-p180 :009 > ReducedScores.where("value.user_id" =>['score'] => 4.0 ruby-1.9.2-p180 :010 > ReducedScores.where("value.user_id" =>['score'] => 2.0